Terms & Conditions


Sports activities have an inherent risk of injury and although ASG Community Gymnastics Club will endeavour to minimize any risk, accidents may still happen. I confirm that I am aware of the element of risk involved and that I/my child will abide by the safety rules and codes of conduct at all times. I can confirm that ASG Community Gymnastics Club can take photos of my child for promotional purposes only. I can confirm that I/my child is physically fit and healthy to participate, and should a change in circumstances occur, The ASG Community Gymnastics Club will be informed in writing.


I agree that if I/my child decide to leave the club and terminate the membership that I will not be eligible for a refund. I agree to ASG Community Gymnastics Club’s terms and conditions or bookings.

Training Camps

I agree that if I/my child is unable to attend a camp for any reason once booked, a refund will not be provided by ASG.

I agree that I will provide my child with the necessary food, water and appropriate clothing. I also agree not to pack any nut products in my child's lunch in case of allergy.


  • Arrive 5 Minutes before your class is due to start.
  • ·        If you arrive more than 10 minutes late without notifying ASG you will not be able to join in.
  • ·        Bring a drink to every session - to be left in changing room if necessary.
  • ·        No food in the gym.
  • ·        All Jewellery must be removed.
  • ·        Hair must to be tied up.
  • ·        Appropriate clothing to be worn at all times.
  • ·        -General Gymnasts: Leggings/shorts and a ASG top or a Leotard.
  • ·        -Squad Gymnasts: Club Leotard
  • -        NO SOCKS OR TIGHTS TO BE WORN at any times unless medically needed.
  • ·        Belongings to be left in a tidy pile in changing room.
  • ·        Wait sensibly in changing room until a coach comes to collects you.
  • ·        Children are not permitted to go to the toilet by themselves.
  • Coaches must always be asked before going to the toilet.
  • ·        No running in the gym unless instructed to do so.
  • ·        All Mobile phones to be left in the allocated box located in the gym.
  • ·        Follow instructions and listening to coaches at all times.
  • ·        Show respect towards other gymnasts and all coaches.
  • Failure to do so will result in being collected by your parent. -
  • Repetitive behaviour may result in being asked to leave the club.
  • ·        All injuries/accidents/incidents that occur at the gym must be reported to your coach, to allow the appropriate actions to be taken and accident forms can be filled out.
  • Any discipline matters or concerns should be discussed with the gymnasts coach or alternatively with the Head Coach at a mutually convenient time.


  •  Encourage your child to support others and role model good sportsmanship.
  • ·        Encourage your child to treat others with respect.
  • ·        Should you wish to watch your child during their session; we must reiterate that you look through the door windows. Please do not open the gym doors.
  • ·        Please ensure that if you have other children with you that they do not climb or stand on any furniture.
  • ·        No food is to be eaten in the Gym.
  • ·        Please use the reception area respectfully and tidy away any rubbish using the bins provided.
  • ·        Please do not enter the gym during the session. If you need to get a message to your child ask the member of staff and they will ensure that your child is advised.
  • ·        If you are experiencing financial difficulties in paying your fee’s please contact us on info@activesportsgroup.org.uk or call us on 01322 787 050/07713981152
  • ·        Your gymnast will need to be ready for their session 5 minutes before their class starts having already been to the toilet and have a drink with them.
  • ·        Drinks must be left in the holders.
  • ·        Your child’s belongings should be left with a parent or in a neat, tidy pile in the reception area. Please note that all items are left owners discretion and ASG do not take any responsibility for theft or damage.
  • ·        Photography is not permitted at any time.
  • ·        Any queries will need to be addressed with the head coach (Dan) at an agreed booked appointment slot.
  • ·        Please call if your child will be absent or late on 01322787050 / 07713981152
  • ·        Gymnasts must be collected on time. We are unable to let gymnasts leave the building without a suitable adult / parent collecting them. In order to safeguard our gymnasts we are required to contact the Local Authority if your child is either, collected late regularly, or, more than 20 minutes late.
  • ·        If collecting your child late becomes a regular occurrence then you will be charged a late fee of £5 per 5 minutes.
  • ·        It is not acceptable to be abusive or rude to any member of staff at anytime. This will result in immediate cancellation of your child’s gymnastic membership. 
  • Failure to Follow the Code of Conduct will result in your child’s membership becoming invalid.


ASG Community Gymnastics Club require that all members follow British Gymnastics regulations and the Club Codes of Conduct and Policies.

The Club will take a fair and consistent approach to the handling of complaints. Every effort will be made to resolve complaints to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.

Complaints are aimed to be resolved within a reasonable timescale. We aim to provide a fair investigation and resolution process.


As a club, we reserve the right to cancel the membership of any members at our discretion without reason or notice.

We reserve the right to refuse entry to the building at our discretion without reason or notice.

All coaching and gymnast related complaints or concerns should initially be discussed with the Head Coach or Coach in charge.

All formal complaints should be directed in writing to the Trustees, who will review the complaint with the Head Coach and Welfare Officer, and identify a Lead Officer who will be responsible for investigating the complaint.


·        Acknowledged, and a standard acknowledgement email should be sent with a copy of this complaints procedure.

·        Reviewed.

·        Investigated by a Lead Officer.

·        Resolve.

·        An email will be sent to gain feedback on how your complaint is dealt with.

The parties involved with or subject to the complaint will be notified of the complaint.

In the case of a welfare complaint or serious breach of conduct the matter may be referred directly to British Gymnastics and / or other statutory bodies.

Complaints will be handled in confidence, but in order to make a thorough investigation it may be necessary to share on a ‘need to know’ basis to the appropriate people.

Investigation may involve discussion with relevant parties, as appropriate, to achieve a fair resolution. However, sometimes the nature of a complaint may mean that it will take some time to investigate.

After investigation the Committee may consider any of the following actions:

·        Dismiss the complaint as unfounded and take no further action.

·        Determine that formal disciplinary action must be taken without delay.

·        Refer the matter to another organisation for review.

·        Request another person or organisation to resolve the matter.

·        Review the club policies, procedures or codes of conduct.

·        Review the club operation or management.

·        Impose sanctions as deemed appropriate.

The Lead Officer will advise the complainant and all relevant parties in writing of any action to be taken. The Club will record all complaint information and resolutions.


It is our aim to provide all members with a happy and safe environment. We hope to help all our gymnasts achieve their potential by giving constructive and positive feedback. We aim for all of our participants to work as a team and support each other so that all participants are made to feel good about themselves and achievements.

There are different sorts of bullying, but the three main types are:

·        Physical; hitting, kicking, taking or hiding belongings etc.

·        Verbal; name calling, teasing, insulting, writing unkind notes etc.

·        Emotional; being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting, spreading rumors etc.

 Bullying will not be tolerated in our club; it undermines the confidence, self-esteem and happiness of the victim. We take Bullying very seriously and in cases where bullying continues after warnings and sanctions, the bully will be asked to leave our club.

Any concerns regarding bullying can be reported to our Welfare Officer or communicated to your coach. The matter will be passed on to the appropriate person and concerns will be dealt with immediately. We will listen to ‘both sides’ in private and record the information. The information will be passed on to both parents/carers and we will involve the parents and children in deciding the outcome and any sanctions which may need to take place to ensure the bully changes their behaviour.


In the event of an accident occurring injury to a gymnast the following procedure will be followed:


  • ·        The gymnast’s coach will assess the situation for the risk of further danger or injury. The coach will listen to what the child is saying.
  • ·        If the injury is minor the coach will stop the other group members and sit them down. The gymnasts coach will deal with the injured persons and take the appropriate action.
  • ·        If the injury is serious the gymnasts coach will stop the other group members, and move them away from the scene to work with another coach. The Head Coach & First Aider will be called over to assess the accident and what action to take next.
  • ·        The child will not be moved if there are any suspected major injuries and the Head Coach will call the emergency medics. The Head Coach will then arrange for the injured child’s parents/carer to be contacted whilst the gymnast’s coach remains with the child providing reassurance until the paramedics arrive.
  • ·        If the gymnast can be moved safely the Head Coach or First Aider will help the child sit comfortably in the main office while the Head Coach telephones the child’s parents/carers and medics if necessary.
  • ·        An accident report form will be completed by the gymnast’s coach as soon as possible and this will need to be signed by the Parent/Carer of the injured persons ASAP.
  • ·        After a serious injury the Club Secretary will follow up later with a telephone call to parent/carer and update the accident report.

 In the event of a medical emergency occurring to an adult the assessment process will be the same. The Gymnasts coach will stay with the injured party along with the First Aider. The Head Coach will call for emergency services and telephone injured person’s emergency contact. The other Gymnasts in the group will be sent to other coaches.


 If ever there was an event where the premises required evacuating then the procedure below has been put in place to be followed:

  •  ·        The Head Coach or the coach in charge of the session will gain the attention of the gymnasts and instruct to stop what they are doing.
  • ·        Children in the Gymnasium will be instructed to stay calm, to walk and to follow their coach to the nearest Fire Exit, leaving their belongings in the building, where they will be led to the Assembly Point. The Assembly Point is Cobden Court (Sign).
  • ·        Parents/Guardians will be instructed to remain calm and to walk to the Assembly Point using the nearest Fire Exit, leaving their belongings in the building. The Assembly Point is Cobden Court (Sign).
  • ·        If evacuation is needed when children are in their groups it is the responsibility of the group coach/es to ensure that all their gymnasts are led to safety.
  • ·        If evacuation is needed during whole class activities all coaches will assist the Head Coach to lead the gymnasts to safety.
  • ·        The Head Coach will leave the building last making a quick check of the toilets and changing rooms and ensuring the building is secure during the evacuation process. The Head coach will take the class register, staff and visitor signing in sheet and mobile phone. They will then join the rest of the group at the Assembly point. The Assembly point is Cobden Court (Sign).
  • ·        At the Assembly Point the gymnasts present will be checked against the class register, staff will be checked against the staff signing in sheet and parents/guardians will be checked against the visitors signing in and out sheet. The emergency services are called.
  • ·        All coaches will reassure gymnasts whilst phone calls are made to parents arranging the collection of their children.
  • ·        Nobody is to enter the building until informed by the Emergency services that it is safe to do so.
  • ·        A written record of the event will be made in the Club’s Incident Book as soon as possible.

Code of Conduct:

  • No photography or videography is permitted under any circumstances. Any parents found doing so will be asked to leave the premises immediately and will not be allowed back.
  • Everyone using the gallery will act as a positive role model for the children and will encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all gymnasts, coaches and parents/carers at every session.
  • The use of violence, verbal abuse and vilification towards staff and each other is strictly prohibited.
  • Anyone arriving at the venue intoxicated or found to be consuming alcohol on the premises will be removed immediately and will not be permitted to return.